lunes, 29 de julio de 2013

Letter of a Job

Mr Jiliperto                                                                                                                                25/7/2013
President of Lifeguard and beachowner of Cartagena
123 Av Bulgaria, Cartagena

Dear sir,

Im writing this letter to you because  in the next year, i want to be the lifeguard of Cartagena beach. All my childhood, i wanted to be a lifeaguard and im just training all these years. I know that in the lifeguard preparation they prepare you very well and the waves in Cartagena are very strong. So you have to think about it ti be the official lifeguard.

If you are not convinced i tell you my skills: i cant enter to the lifeguard this year because im also doing the preparation (thats why i ask you if i can enter the next year), but im a professional swimmer, i have lesdership in some things, a very good wunner, i surf a lot and i do scuba diving. So my life is linked to the beach and water all times and i don`t drink and smoke. I write to you Jiliperto because i know that you choose persons with future in this job.

Just in case i am available all the week from 12am to 3pm to meet with you for an interview, the other part of the day i have training, for other questions please call me at +56952592654 to schedule the interview or let me know if i need anything else to complete my application, thank you so much for your time in this letter and i hope that you are going to call me.

Benjamin Prieto
198 Las perdices, Golondrinas, Viña del mar

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