lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

Manorexia activity: answers

-manorexia is a disease that affect to only mens, this problem consist in eating disorders (starting to eating bad or bulimia when you through up after dinner ) when the men thinks that is fat, or physycal problems about the food.

-the reason is because men has the pressure of physically perfection that womens wants for decades. For women they always wants the fitness perfection so that can be a problem because for the obsession about this the women may experiment physcodelic problems and think that are fat. Another reason for men is that feel the pressure to have a perfect body with vey notorius muscles.

-the reason why is difficult to identify manorexia is because not always manorexics are thin, sometimes the disease is occult an manorexics experiments only eating disorders for example you invite a friend to  have a formal dinner with your wife and he says no and the next month the same thing and more successively. 

-says that eating disorders are specific for men, male who were teased as children for being overweigh and athletes who must maintain a certain weigh for risk of developing eating disorders.

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014


Tips to be a better TCK 
By Benjamin Prieto

A simple thing us travel in to China from Grait Britain, that anyone can do in a holidays for 2 lazy week, but, its not the same topic when you`re going to live in China, because of your parent`s  job, from your city of birth in this situation you are a TCK student, sometimes change your lifestyle, so here in this blog I'm going to explain you how to be better in the life.

First, maybe if you born, and when you`re 2 years you will start traveling around the world, in this case you will turn into a future TCK, but don`t worry here there are simple instructions to make friends and live better:

- Never stop