martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012


Surf is a sport that you practice in the sea, consist in slide on the wave doing tricks depending the kind of wave.

The surf exist aproximatly 500 years ago in the Polynesian islands and in the north of Peru (Incas). The surf was discovered by the explorer James Cook when he went to Hawaii in 1778 and then when Duke Kahanamoku went to California to the Olympians (because he was a swimmer) bring the surf to USA and to the rest of ther in her other trips.

The surf in chile start in the 60" when people of USA  and Australia came to chile because the waves of chile are one of the best of the world. But in the 60  appeared the first chilean surfer Alvaro Abarca and then in the 70" Luis Tello and Cala Vicuña. This people surfed in Chile central zone such as: Ritoque, Quintero, Cachagua,etc.

In this moment Surf is very knowed in the world

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